Saturday, March 31, 2007

Everything is still going beautifully. I still feel good, and I can tell the babies are too because I can feel them moving a lot now. The slight nausea I did have is pretty much gone (unless I smell something gross). I'm just feeling great! The doctor put off my next big Ultrasound to 5/10 (instead of the last date of 4/16. I am so looking forward to it because I'll be able to find out how many umbilical cords we're dealing with here, and what their sexes are! I am 14 weeks pregnant now.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kurt and Ethan joined me at the doctors office today. The babies are close together now. We got to see the babies kicking their legs! It was so cute. Everything looks great, I feel great, so I think everything is great! I still feel this is going to be a good pregnancy. Unlike with the boys, when I successfully tried to gain only a minimum amount of weight, those rules are out the window with twins. Since they are typically born earlier - during the time singletons get to put on weight - you have to give them a boost earlier on. "Moms who gain more have bigger, healthier twin babies that end up in the NICU less often" I keep hearing. But, I'm still going for 40 pounds, rather than 60 pounds gained - half of which need to be put on in the first half of pregnancy. Well, Ive followed the extremely high protein diet, and it really gets hard to look at anymore meat! I lost 3 pounds? This is a shock because I've never eaten so much in my life. I've yo-yo'd with my weight trying to take and keep it off all my life, and now that I want to gain, I lose? I understand my metabolism is sky rocketing, but geez! I can't eat anymore, and filling up on donuts would certainly put on weight, but not good weight, so I guess I'll just assume I'll gain next time.

Anyway, it was a long drawn out ordeal to get my FirstScreen between 12 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days, I had it scheduled at my hospital then found out they arent certified in Firstscreen's at the last moment. So I called OHSU to get in there in time. After registering, agreeing to switch health care providers, making the appt, etc I found out I can't have this screening since it's a multiple birth. This info could've been used when I was told to schedule it. Oh well! So, now my doctor wants me to get the 16 weeks screening as planned. We'll get to see if the babies are sharing a cord (we hope not!), make sure all is well, hopefully the sex(es), and get some great pics out of it too.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I get to see my OB for the first time on Thursday! I am now officially 12 weeks pregnant and beginning my 2nd trimester. I cannot wear normal clothes anymore. In fact I had to break out my maternity clothes (thank goodness I hadn't given those away like we had everything else!) shortly after finding out. Twins really do grow quickly!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

I am so fortunate that morning sickness is really mild. I am really tired and my feet and back get sore easily though. I feel pretty good about this pregnancy. My focus is to not deliver until sometime in September (I am due late, late September, but twins are typically born early). My second goal is for them both to weigh atleast 6 1/2 pounds at birth.

I don't know if they are identical or fraternal. The doctor may not ever know. I thought since they are in their own sacs that they would be fraternal, but I found out that 2/3 of identical twins are in their own sacs. Unless they are boy/girl twins the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test after the babies are born.

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