Sunday, August 26, 2007

This (sitting up) is very uncomfortable, but I need to get what has been going on into words. Who knows how long I will have to type all this out?I think the babies are doing really well. I see my doctor twice a week and have NST's twice a week. Ultrasounds are still at each visit, with a very long one every 3-4 weeks. At last measurement Baby A was in the 46th percentile, and Baby B was in the 76th percentile. There was a little concern at first due to the fact that both babues were "above the 95th percentile" previously and may have gone far below their growth curves, but now the technicians think the most recent U/S is most accurate and previous ones were mistaken due to the position of the babies. Obviously, none of this is an exact science. Ive kind of given up on any worry because no one seems to know anything anyway. I just take the info given and look into it myself with the help of a billion books as I lie on my side in bed! hahaThe pain in my pelvic area has gotten beyond painful. I asked my doctor to please help me figure out how to handle it and she found that now my bladder has prolapsed. That is actually what probably caused all the pain during labor with Noah, but has now gotten much, much worse. I will spare details, but Im hoping physical therapy will fix it rather than surgery. I have to wait until well after delivery to think about either one. I, once again refused a planned caesarian. I will just get an epidural and deliver vaginally (I hope!).Ive made it past the point where my doctors would try to stop my labor (not that Ive had any labor symptoms). I was also taken off the Magnesium a week ago (that is what I know has calmed my poor irritable uterus during this pregnancy). Now the contractions are getting crazy, which is what Im used to in my pregnancies. On Thursday I was dilated to 1 1/2 cm. Not bad! My doctor joked that "tomorrow works good for me, so talk to those babies". But Im not ready yet. I know how exhausting this is going to be for a long time. Ive got two children who are going into a new grade (one in High School!!!) and they both need clothes, supplies, backpacks, haircuts, etc. I want to make sure everything gets done right before delivery so Im working my tush off right now. Im also trying to make sure I rest a lot. I dont want to work myself so hard that Im exhausted when I go into labor. Im betting that as soon as Im done with my list of things, I will lie down to take a nap and then my water (one of them anyway LOL) will break!I know Im missing a lot, but my hind end is hurting really bad right now and I have to get off of here.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I was put on bed rest. Ive got to say THANK GOD! I have gone so far downhill, so fast, that I dont know how I could have drug my body in to work even once more. Everything hurts, everything is swollen. If I walk/stand I hurt everywhere, especially my low back and pelvic area. If I sit my tail bone feels like its breaking (right now Im sitting on a swim float). If I lay on a side my sciatic nerve freaks out and my legs hurt, then go numb. If I lay on my back the pressure is amazing. Im glad Im able to nap now that Im at home, too. Boy, I need it!If it werent for the fact that I know how hard this is going to be once the babies are born, I would be wishing them out. I am told the twins would probably only be in the NICU for a couple days at this point, but that is still too much for me. I want them with me, and without getting the nipple confusion that Noah had (oh, that was fun), and with bigger tummies so they dont need to eat quite so often.Ok, so my appt was Wednesday and I measured 46 and 1/2 cm (and both babies are curved around the sides of my belly! ouch). Im "soft and effacing" but not dilating. I gained 2 1/2 pounds, totaling 17 1/2 pounds. They tried to do an NST, but after they would get one on the monitor, the other baby would move, so that didnt work. I see my doc again on Wed (or is it Thurs?). Its every week for me! fun, fun.I had my ultrasound on Thursday, but the results werent supposed to get to my doctor until Friday, and my doctor had the day off, so I find out tomorrow about that.Ive had lots of BH contractions, but nothing worrisome until a couple of days ago. Man, they were strong! I was so close to going to L&D even though my hope is to not go there until its the real thing. Then I realized with my schedule being messed with lately Ive forgotten to take my Magnesium (I talked to a midwife in the beginning of this pregnancy about my irritable uterus, and my history of preterm labor, and she told me to take it every day). I thought all along that I was just lucky this time around like I was about the no morning sickness, but Im so glad I remembered my magnesium! Its calmed down so much. Now that I see how much it helped I dont think I would have made it this far if it hadnt been for my wonderful supplement!Somehow Ive got to figure out how to get school clothes and supply shopping done. *bowing head in shame* I have to park in a handicap space and use a motorized wheelchair/cart to shop. I always wish I had a leg brace or something in fear that someone will think Im using them for the real reason. I mean, people get pregnant all the time and dont need to use this stuff! lol In physical therapy I would see pregnant women come in using a walker or wheelchair and it would just shock me. Im just a dork.
There has been a huge lapse in time since the last update....
I'm going to try to fill in the blanks as best I can. So much has happened in the past 6 months!!

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