Sunday, March 2, 2008

After finally updating this site today I only have a moment left for a current update!

Theyre 5 1/2 months old, and have had brown rice cereal 4 times. Nick eats it well, Gabe gives a disgusted look. lol They are wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 2 diapers. They each nurse 3 times a day and have about 3 bottles of formula each. Nick drinks 4 oz bottles, Gabe likes closer to 6 oz bottles. So much for Gabe being born smallest. He passed up Nick months ago in weight, but theyre both just perfect! Their eyes are bright blue, and they pretty much just have fuzz for hair left. lol They love to babble and giggle, and hold hands whenever theyre close. Its amazing when one is upset the other will put his fingers in his mouth!

Gabe is still my Feisty baby, and Nick is keeping up the role of my Zen baby. Gabriel is my pooky that likes to keep moving, and Nicky is my snookums thats content just watching.

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