Friday, May 2, 2008

Grandpa Bill and Grandma Patsy visited us!

We had a wonderful visit from my fabulous grandparents this past week. I havent seen them since a month before Ethan was born. These are my fathers parent and are so incredibly wonderful! We had a blast just hanging out at our house, eating dinner, playing games, and talking. We also went to a comedy club, Saturday Market, out to pizza, and did some shopping. We plan on getting together in a year or two max. I can't wait!

Let's see... The twins had Saltine crackers, potatoes, and carrots. No new teeth yet, but big brother Ethan lost his first tooth!

Kicky Nicky and Gabey Baby are scooting all over the place now. They turn around and roll over very fast. They push up on their hands, but not onto their knees quite yet. I will make sure to get lots of video when they do! Nick does this funny bounce that has earned him the new nick name "Jumper Humper". It's totally fitting!

You guys are just precious!

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