Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nicky cut his first tooth! I just found it a few minutes ago. Baaaarely through the gum is his top, left toothie! Its been swollen this week, and Ive been checking atleast once per day on both babies for any signs of teeth. This is the first. They are a little over 9 months old.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Nearly 9 months old. My babies are getting so big, so fast! They are quickly crawling/scooting around military style. Gabe can pull himself up to almost standing on short things and tables with grippable sides....
I just had to stop typing because Gabey like to climb on Nicky. Needless to say Nicky doesn't like it.
They seem to be progressing about they same rate, but in slightly different ways. Nick has been shaking his head "no" (just for fun, not as a response) for a couple of months, but Gabe just started it. Nicky has been wrinkling up his face and forcing a sniffing sound through his nose for over a month, Gabe just started it. Gabe climbs, Nick doesn't.
Nick watches what is going on around him (he will get close to my alarm clock and touch the numbers) - Gabe tries to manually check it out (by yanking the alarm off it's cords! lol).

I cannot believe how scared I was when I first found out I was pregnant this time - it was such a surprise! I could have never guessed that I could ever be this in love with sich a large family. I always saw myself as a one-maybe-two-child kinda girl! lol

They are eating a large variety of foods now. We had to move them to size 4 diapers simply because they blow out of anything smaller within no time at all. They are wearing at least 9 month size clothing - 12 month fits best. I just bought them 4 pairs of adorable little Stride Rite and Nike shoes for summertime. My kiddos will be the best dressed kids on earth if I can help it!

Make sure you keep checking out our family's YouTube videos! They are low quality videos, but that enables us to uploads as much as we want in no time at all. I keep high res videos at home.

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