Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This was Nicky and Gabey's first camping trip. It was a lot of fun, but a LOT of work! We went to Beaver Bay in Washington. This was a pretty cool campsite on a lake, with boat launch, fishing, and swimming. Kurt got to try out his new fishing gear for a little while. He was pretty busy with the boat during most of his free time though.

Noah had a blast. He was filthy the whole time too. He would spend a lot of time using the wash bucket to clean his hands and face, then 2 minutes later he would have dirt all over his face! I let him eat cherries and he decided to pick them apart to get the seed out, so cherry juice ran down his arms. He climbed huge moss covered boulders and if he wasn't fishing, he was begging to be! He was so cute!

Ethan was adorable as usual. He loved fishing. He even baited his own hooks, and cast his pole all by himself! We never caught any fish unfortunately, but he didnt give up. Now he wants his own tackle box.

Ash had fun too. She wished she could've brought a friend along, but there were so many kids as it was I couldn't imagine another one coming along. Maybe next time though. She was the only one who was able to get away on her own for awhile. She found her own little rock in the water that she sat and fished on.

Next time we plan on bring a Baby Wrangler along. I already talked to a couple possible people who could do it.
Mental note: next time bring a Sharpie and fitted sheets for the air mattresses.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Multnomah Falls and Bonneville Dam

Today we went with Kurt's parents, his brother Marc and his family to Multnomah Falls and then to the Bonneville Dam and Fish Hatchery. It was a lot of fun and we got some great photos. Nicky was on my back (with the football player looking bruise under his eye) and Gabe was on daddy's back. Short post today because we're packing to go camping in the morning! YAY!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Ethan is my little sweet potatoe! He was helping me feed the twins this morning because Noah wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich-like-right-now! lol
My little Snickers is such a big helper. Thanks Ethan!

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

We had a fun day today hanging out with Kurt's parents and his brother Marc and fiance Kim today. The twins slept a lot of the time in their stroller while watching people in the pool, while we BBQ'd. They had the most fun when they were playing in the grass while everyone else was on the playground. I think this was the first time they got to actually get onto the grass!

Here they are sitting together on the grass at the RV Park where the grandparents are staying while in town. Gabe on right.

Gabe is standing and walking while holding onto things. Hes going to be running soon I bet! Nicky got his second tooth on Wednesday I think it was... They are so different but they keep advancing in their own ways.

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