Saturday, August 16, 2008

My gorgeous Baby Girl

Just took some photos of my girl who's growing WAY too fast. She will be driving soon! Can you believe it?
A couple are with lil' Noah.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ethan's 7th birthday

My big boy turned 7 today. Wow! We had a lot of fun.

I made a spaghetti and meatballs cake this time! It worked out pretty well.

Ethan got some great gifts and had a wonderful time! He wanted a pinata, so he got one.

We were going to take him an his friends to the movies, but he chose to rent a movie, buy popcorn and soda, and watch it at home on the big screen with his friend Garett.

Lots more photos on the picasa album site. I think you just need to click on the picture.

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