Saturday, September 20, 2008

9/16/08 Twins stats


  • 29.9" = 50%
  • 21lbs 13oz = 30%
  • 29.5" = 40%
  • 21lbs 4oz = 25%

My big babies are so precious! Gabey can take 12 steps at a time now!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy first birthday Nicky and Gabey!

SEPT 11, 2008 ... It's the twin's 1st birthday! We had a quiet little celebration at home with lots of cake and auntie Nana as the only visitor. They both had a cupcake AND a small slice of cake. Lil' piggies!
Gabe took 5 steps for the first time on 9-11-08 too! Nick is still holding onto things to be able to walk, and Gabey is consistently taking 2 or 3 steps at a time. Nick has 6 teeth, Gabe still is a gummy mouth. Nick just started clapping, Gabe hasn't yet. They are both babbling, but no real words yet. They also graduated from formula to whole milk. Gabe nurses once every day or two, but Nick decided he was done about a month ago.

It's so funny to watch them. They follow eachother everywhere. If one goes down the hall, the other follows. If one has a toy, the other will suddenly be interested in the same toy. THey hand things back in forth, and actually tickle eachother too! Sooo cute

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