Thursday, April 26, 2007

I've been having a lot of BH's and pressure. I really am not worried about it as far as preterm labor or anything, but I would not enjoy thinking this is the way the rest of the pregnancy is going to go. So, called my doc to see what she thought yesterday. I got the Triage RN and she agreed that the babies are going through a massive growth burst right now. Since this is my fourth pregnancy, and since it's two babies this time, that this stage is going to be harder than normal but it should be over in a couple of more weeks. Good! That was very comforting to hear. I ordered my Baby Hugger a couple of days ago, and it should be here anytime. YAY!

Doc called after reading the noted from the triage nurse and asked me to come into the office today. Of course this is bring your child to work day, so instead of Ashley getting taken out to lunch she got a trip (just downstairs) to my OB/Gyn. Everything was fine... Ashley got to see the babies... and unfortunately, my doctor does not think that these fun extra pains and pressures will end before the pregnancy does. I gained 2 pounds which means I am now 2 pounds above prepregnancy weight. Sorry, no pics this time.

I expected to go through this again. I even expected it to be worse since there is more than one baby, but I didn't expect it all to start so early. Oh well, I'm just going to do what I have to do! I'm still working full time, which I plan on doing until I just can't do it anymore. When I'm not working I'm taking it easy - mostly at home. I have been working on our gift registry online at Babies R Us a little bit, but nothing major since the genders arent known yet. Hopefully they will be on May 10th!

It's time to play a baby gender guessing game!!

Guess the gender(s) of Kurt and Cammy's babies!
Boy/Girl 33%
Girl/Girl 29%
Boy/Boy 37%
Created on Apr 29, 2007

Total Votes: 27


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