Saturday, September 1, 2007

Saw my doc again yesterday. NST went good again. BP and HR was good. Im now up 27 pounds gained. I only measured 44 cm this time. Both babies are still head down. Baby A is -3 station, and Im 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced and "very soft and ready". My doctor said "maybe this weekend" again. I think Im going to be pregnant forever. When I said that I wanted to make it to Sept, preferably Sept 3rd (Labor Day), I didnt realize how uncomfortable this would be! lol I cant sleep because my hands and arms keep going numb and painful (Im not supposed to sleep with splints on), and my c-pap machine has had to be turned up again which made the air so forceful that I have to strap the mask tight down to my face which is causing jaw pain... My insurance ok'd another mask that just fits over my nose but they accidentally sent another full face one, and they arent open again till Tues. UghThose are really not that big of a deal though. Im just pointing out the little annoyances. Hey, atleast the swelling in my feet have gone down. They did look like hams with sausage links poking out the end. lolI had another ultrasound yesterday as well from 2:45 to almost 5pm. Babies are still facing each other and almost head to head. Their feet are all tangled up at the top of my uterus. They gave me a picture of some feet but dont know whos they were or if it was one from each baby. lol Another cute pic I got is of both babies heads against eachother. The tech angled it just right to look like they were together when actually Baby B's head is at about Baby A's shoulder level. Im bummed that I never got to see a 4d of them. I didnt think about it until last month when there already wasnt any room... they need amniotic fluid pockets surrounding the baby, and both these babies are packed in there.I see my doc again next Tues and Fri if Im still preggo. But if I end up still pregnant Fri, they will strip my membranes. If that doesnt work I will have to be induced. Id really rather not be induced.I think I may actually dare myself to take a belly shot today. Who knows if I will ever get another chance!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hate pictures of myself. But, I realized I had better do it now or take a chance of never seeing a belly pic of myself. Maternity clothes arent quite fitting right anymore. lol


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