Saturday, April 19, 2008

The twins had oatmeal with a mashed banana for breakfast today. *shock* They loved it! I wanted to wait longer to introduce sweet fruits, but I couldnt give them peas for breakfast again.

They are rolling over, turning around, and scooting pretty well. About one minute per foot of movement if they really want to.. especially Nicky. This is very recent. In about a week I think were going to need to put up some gates!

Friday, April 18, 2008

At the Lumberjacks game

I won some tickets off a radio station this week for 4 tickets to a Lacrosse game at the Rose Garden. Weve enever been to a Lacrosse game, but we had a blast!
Noah and the twins stayed with Grandma Linda, and Ethan, Sissy, Kurt, and I went and cheered with the rest of the fans.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

7 Month old now!
Since last update they tried plain yogurt - hated it, squash - loved it, oatmeal - loved it, and a few Cheerios - Gabe liked it, Nick gagged.

Check out out youtube videos here or by using the link in my links section

Monday, April 7, 2008

New stats and update!














Height26 3/8 = 25% 26 1/8 = 18%
Weight18lb 7oz = 50%18lb = 40%
Head Circumference17 7/8 = 70%17 6/8 = 60%
Overall Percentage83rd percentile83rd percentile

The babies are getting so big - too big! I actually watched Nick roll from back to front yesterday. I've seen them roll from front to back a hundred times, but thay decided to wait on the other way. Kurt says he has seen Gabey do it too.

They have had brown rice cereal, egg yolks, avocado, green beans, peas, and Kurt snuck in some pears one day. Were going to try yogurt tonight or tomorrow.

I think they must have had a growth spurt or we were way off on sizing last month. They are now in size 3 diapers, and atleast size 9 month clothing.

No teeth yet!

I'm desperately trying to find something to get my huge video files on here. They're so cute!

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