Thursday, May 10, 2007

The ultrasound went well, and the babies look healthy. Baby A was did everything the tech wanted him to, only problem was he was head down and very low so it hurt me to get the right angle at times. Baby B was head down/transverse, but flipped to breech before we were done. I do have to go back on the 20th because there was a picture of an eye socket and lips they werent able to get.

2 placentas, and both are BOYS!!!! I went home and removed the Secret Garden and Princess Fairies bedding sets, and the strawberry print dresses from the registry. lol But at least I am now able to work on our registery (at Babies R Us) with confidence on the sex. Now I wonder if they are identical? We will see after birth!

I have a bunch of pictures but our pc at home isnt letting me update this site for some reason, and I cant upload from my work pc. So, I will try to get them on there soon!


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