Friday, May 18, 2007

Had my 5 month appointment today. We got to go over the results of the ultrasound as well. On May 10th Baby A was 19 weeks, 3 days old, and Baby B was 19 weeks, 2 days old according to the original ultrasound in February. Well, the due date is staying the same, but the babies are growing big and fast! Baby A is measuring 20 weeks, 5 days, and Baby B is measuring 20 weeks 4 days!! That is so great.

I've gained 1 more pound, for a grand total of a whopping 3 pounds gained since the beginning.

I wish I could post pictures! But I am still having problems connecting to this site (only this site) from home, and of course I can't upload from work, so I'm stuck! I will get them on here ASAP.


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