Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Today I got another long look at the babies via ultrasound. Both boys are now head down! Baby A is pressing against my cervix. Baby B's head is higher up with one leg stretched over his brother. They are still facing eachother. I didnt tell the tech the sexes and she said they are very proud boys. lol HB's were 129 and 137. The tech was really good. Usually its kind of painful because they have to push on one baby pretty hard to see around him to get a good view of the baby they want at the moment. The only time it hurt (and this hurt!) was for some reason Baby A wedged himself against my cervix and wouldnt move. The tech couldnt get an image of my cervix so after having my bed tilted upside down for 5 min with no luck, she manually pushed him away. OMG, I was just about climbing off the bed to get away from her! lol I think he is back in his little place again. They are measuring pretty large. The tech asked if Ive had a GD test, and I told her I got the results yesterday from my gestational diabetes test and my score was 97 which is great (I also got my iron count back and is was painfully low - 28, when it should have been ATLEAST 36). I was 25 weeks 0 days and Baby A measured 26 weeks 2 days and 90th percentile, Baby B measured 26 weeks 5 days and 91% (they are both 2 pounds and a couple ounces each).


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