Friday, June 22, 2007

26 week appt: Some coworkers were trying to guess what I would measure (for a singleton pregnancy) at my 26 weeks appt. Remember, at my 20.5 wk appt I measured 27 weeks, and at my 24 weeks appt I measured 33 weeks.At exactly 26 weeks I measured 41 weeks!!!! lolIm doing pretty well considering I look (and walk) like a Weeble. BP is good. Still no worrisome contractions. I am getting some swelling in my feet and legs that just wont go away (compression socks here I come). The pressure on my pelvis is getting almost unbearable sometimes. My tailbone feels like its being pushed out of my body. I cant sit, or get up from sitting without a lot of pain. When my doctor did a quick ultrasound to get the babies heartbeats she said one head in on my tailbone, and one on my bladder! I have to use the restroom every half hour to an hour already. That hasnt happened with past pregnancies until the last couple of weeks or so.I met my doctors next goal of 26 weeks on Monday. Her final goal is 35 weeks (Aug 27), but I would love to make it to September. I told her that I think I could stretch to about 57 weeks! hahaI have another long US scheduled for 7/19. I guess we will know for sure if I have to have a c-sec then. I hope not.


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