Saturday, June 23, 2007

I never knew they gave babies percentiles at this point, but I was given this info because at 95% they are considered Macrosomic (pretty much just means really big, and usually occurs due to poorly controlled GD - fyi my total weight gain is 7 pounds). Until they ever reach that possibility my doc is just considering them extremely happy in their home, but now she is mentioning a planned c-sec. I pushed out 3 pretty average sized babies. I dont understand why I would need a c-sec for this reason alone. Im likely to deliver atleast a few weeks early anyway, right? Of course I will listen to my doctor, but I want to understand this. Not to mention my doctor thought Ashley was super large (I know it was 14 years ago, but not that much has changed I think) and she was born 7lb 8oz at 40 weeks.Im eating even MORE beef (Im getting really tired of it), taking more iron with OJ on an empty stomach, and drinking milk at dinner.Anyhoo, thats what has been going on. I see my doc again on Monday (6/25), and get another US in 3 more weeks. Any bets on how big I will measure this time? lol I measured 33 weeks at my 24 week appt and 27 weeks at my 20.5 week appt. Im going to need an engine hoist to get out of bed soon! haha


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