Friday, July 27, 2007

Yesterday I had my 30 week OB appt. We went over pretty much everything. Ive gained 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. That brings the total to 15 pounds. Both my little babies are still head down. I don’t think there would be able to turn around at this point – which is fabulous! No dilation or effacement. My hips are now trying to dislocate with every step, along with some major low back pain to add on to my poor tailbone.I had some blood work done and just got back my results… My Iron is still low, but better! It’s now at 30. My glucose *drum roll please* is a wonderful 101!! No GD. YAY!My next doctor appt is Aug 8th, and my next Ultrasound is scheduled for August 10

Saturday, July 21, 2007

I had my 2 hour monthly ultrasound on Thursday. I was 29 weeks, 4 days pregnant. I was hoping to hear the news before the weekend. Last month Baby A was in the 90th percentile and Baby B was 91st percentile. Before last months ultrasound the babies growth had been exact... Baby A was always 1 day ahead of B's.A couple of coworkers and I were going out to dinner last night - which ended up being such a wonderful surprise baby shower.A few minutes before we went into the restaurant my doctor called and said both babies are over the 95 percentile, meaning they are officially Macrosomic now. Also Baby A is now at least 10% smaller than B. She sounded so official on the phone it was scary. She mentioned something about she didnt want to deliver them now because they are measuring over 32 weeks, but that doesnt mean their lungs are that mature. There was nothing I could do, and I was kind of nervous so I didnt know what to ask, so I just asked her to fax me the report at work. Then I realized it was Friday and I wouldnt see it until Monday. Nothing I can do about it, but the numbers (which are good for research that I cant do during the week) would be nice.She said there is nothing I can do about it right now, but she wants to do more testing at my appt this week. And something like if they get closer to 15% discordance she will deliver them.I wish I knew WHO was having the trouble? Is Baby A's placenta fading? Is Baby B's placenta not removing enough maternal nourishment, insulin, etc? Is Baby A being squished by Baby B?Im trying not to stress about it. Its just that this came out of left field.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Yet another Ultrasound was yesterday. 2 hours of watching my babies in staticky black & white.I already got a call from my doctor. Both boys are head down and are now over the 95th percentile, so they are now officially Macrosomic. They weigh something like 3lb, 7 oz (Baby A), and 4lb, 3 oz (Baby B). Another slightly concerning bit of info is that there is now a 10% fetal growth discordance between the babies. My doctor will see me on the 26th for more testing, and will be watching closely for them to get closer to a 15% discordance. If/when they do reach that point it sounds like it will be delivery time.On a happier note…. I was given a surprise baby shower tonight by my coworkers at Red Robin. It was so much fun! I was spoiled by being treated to dinner, having an adorable cake, and getting some much appreciated and needed gifts (cute clothing, toys, diapers, and even a double stroller!). I really love my job and the people I work with. Maybe that’s why I’m still working through this uncomfortable ending of my pregnancy!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Just thinking of names and thought I would mention considerations...BOYSGraham, Logan, Skylar, Cooper, Carter, Brendan, Evan, Conner or Connor, Elijah, Chandler, Parker, Garrett, Gabriel, Dustin, Benjamin, Michael, Micah, Landon, Brayden"J" names (our tradition is the middle name begins with J for our boys)Jordan, Jeremiah, Jayson, Jansen, Jonah, JosiahAnd a link for popular twin names just for the heck of it....

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

28 week appt: Lost 1 pound (total gain is 10 pounds now). Babies are still head down and looking great. I measured 36 weeks this time... I guess one or both of the babies were sticking their body up or something last time? My tailbone and sciatic nerve is killing me. If it wasn't for those horrible pains I think this is a pretty great pregnancy (of course I'm exhausted after work, but I think that's pretty normal). My doctor asked me if it's time to stop working or to at least go to part time. With these pains it was tempting! But, I'd hate to take so much time off before the babies are born. I'd rather spend that time at home with them. We'll reevaluate next visits (2 weeks). My next long ultrasound is July 19th. Updates will be posted then!

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