Wednesday, July 11, 2007

28 week appt: Lost 1 pound (total gain is 10 pounds now). Babies are still head down and looking great. I measured 36 weeks this time... I guess one or both of the babies were sticking their body up or something last time? My tailbone and sciatic nerve is killing me. If it wasn't for those horrible pains I think this is a pretty great pregnancy (of course I'm exhausted after work, but I think that's pretty normal). My doctor asked me if it's time to stop working or to at least go to part time. With these pains it was tempting! But, I'd hate to take so much time off before the babies are born. I'd rather spend that time at home with them. We'll reevaluate next visits (2 weeks). My next long ultrasound is July 19th. Updates will be posted then!


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