Friday, July 20, 2007

Yet another Ultrasound was yesterday. 2 hours of watching my babies in staticky black & white.I already got a call from my doctor. Both boys are head down and are now over the 95th percentile, so they are now officially Macrosomic. They weigh something like 3lb, 7 oz (Baby A), and 4lb, 3 oz (Baby B). Another slightly concerning bit of info is that there is now a 10% fetal growth discordance between the babies. My doctor will see me on the 26th for more testing, and will be watching closely for them to get closer to a 15% discordance. If/when they do reach that point it sounds like it will be delivery time.On a happier note…. I was given a surprise baby shower tonight by my coworkers at Red Robin. It was so much fun! I was spoiled by being treated to dinner, having an adorable cake, and getting some much appreciated and needed gifts (cute clothing, toys, diapers, and even a double stroller!). I really love my job and the people I work with. Maybe that’s why I’m still working through this uncomfortable ending of my pregnancy!


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