Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmastime 2007
Gabey on left, Nicky on right in both pictures along with big brother's Ethan (6) and Noah (2), and big sissy Ashley (15)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thank you everyone for your thoughts over the past few weeks. Its been very interesting to say the least! I was admitted to L&D on Monday 9/3. I only progressed to 4 cm and 70% over the next 3 days so I was moved to Guest Housing on the 6th, which is a part of the hospital where they keep you close but there is no medical intervention. I waited and waited. On the 7th I saw my doctor and had an NST, no change. On the 10th Kurt and Noah came with me to see my doctor, but the wait was longer than expected and they had to leave to pick up Ethan at school. I got hooked up for my NST and during one of my contractions (that did nothing but annoy me and put an incline on the NST paper) the babies heartbeats went down to the 60's and then the 50's! I got scared because I could hear how slow they became, and because I was in a room by myself, and because I couldnt get up by myself. I started poking my belly trying to probe the babies hearts into accelerating. They finally went up about 2 1/2 minutes later, thank goodness! A nurse came in a few minutes later and after seeing the strip she went to get my doctor. My doctor came in, looked at the NST strip and had me brought to the ER then to L&D to have a "pitocin drip test, and then either induction or c-section". I asked them to let me call Kurt while they were wheeling me out of the office. Lets say Kurt was shocked, and I was so afraid to have another contraction! My Aunt Debbie hurried over to our house to watch the kids and Kurt hurried back to the hospital. I was nervous, but I was trying my hardest to stay relaxed. I got into a Labor room and monitors and IV were placed, blood taken, blah blah. The first contraction showed another bad decel from Baby B, but then for the next couple of hours it was good so we went along with the induction. My contractions came on really fast and very strong so the pitocin was removed, but the contractions didnt slow down. Around midnight the contractions got stronger and the epidural did well to numb my butt and my legs, but not my back or stomach, so I was getting different pain injections to compensate. Because of these meds I can only assume it was around 3:30am when they said I was fully dilated and was brought to the OR. Multiples are always delivered in the OR here, and I not only got the (very good) OB on-call from my doctors office, but my real OB happened to be #2 on-call, and multiple deliveries also get 2 OB's. Getting the good Dr combination was comforting. Delivering in the OR was very weird though. As soon as my doctors were ready and my next contraction came I pushed the typical three times. Baby A was born during the second contraction, on the fifth push. He cried hard, and was given 9/9 Apgars. He was to wait with a Nurse in a warmer in the OR until Baby B arrives. The plan had always been to deliver Baby B as soon as possible (3-10 min after Baby A) so that my cervix doesnt close. Otherwise I could have to labor all over again. I never knew that happened until this pregnancy! As soon as Baby A was born, my doctor used the ultrasound's Transducer to help push Baby B down, and to make sure he stayed head down. Well, my cervix didnt close, but over 3 hours later he was still at -3 station, I was exhausted from pushing, and the baby's heartbeat was going down to 45 beats per minute during and after contractions and was taking longer and longer to recover. Not to mention my contractions had slowed down. The fear was that when my contractions came back fast enough that the baby wouldnt be able to handle it.

I was finally told "if the heart decelerates with the next contraction I'm not sure the baby will be able to recover fast enough, if at all. It may mean brain damage or worse. In that case were going to have to do an emergency c-section". I couldnt believe my original wish to avoid c-sec if possible was being taken this far. I told them that "this (the heart deceleration) is obviously going to happen again, and Id rather not wait that long, or have an emergency c-section, so just do it now". My epidural was pumped up, but I could feel all the pokes on my stomach so it was a General Anesthesia for me. Kurt had to leave the room with Baby A.

Lights out for me.

I woke up in the Recovery room, and I really wish they would automatically tell you how things went when they see youre awake since its hard to talk. I finally asked if it was over and was told yes, I asked if the baby was ok, and was told yes. I dont remember the first time I got to see Baby B, or hold either one of my babies. Im glad that Kurt was with them the whole time though. Around noon I was brought to my room with my two very healthy babies. They both had Apgar scores of 9 and 9. Neither had to be in the NICU at all. Their temperatures went down a couple of times which required time in a warmer, blood sugar and CBC tests, but they were fine. A bit of typical Jaundice that didnt require treatment. Their body weights went down to a height of 8-9% which I supplemented two bottles of formula for. Other than that they are 100% breastfed and sleep very well. I didnt get out of bed for 2 days. My muscles are slowly recovering. A month of bedrest, carrying two babies, a vaginal delivery, pushing for another delivery, then a cesarean finished me off for awhile. I think I'm done using a Walker (that was embarrassing!), but I still need help getting up sometimes. Baby A is Gabriel Jayson, born at 3:46am on 9/11/07, weighing 5lbs, 13oz, 18 inches long Baby B is Nicholas Jeremiah, born at 6:53am on 9/11/07, weighing 6lbs, 10oz, 19 3/4 inches long. They are just precious!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

First time Noah held the babies

Monday, September 3, 2007

I had teensy contractions yesterday and the night before that didnt bother me, then fizzled out.Im being hit pretty hard right now so were heading to L&D in a few minutes.Wow, Ive been guessing Labor Day for months, and it may actually happen. I will let you all know!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Saw my doc again yesterday. NST went good again. BP and HR was good. Im now up 27 pounds gained. I only measured 44 cm this time. Both babies are still head down. Baby A is -3 station, and Im 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced and "very soft and ready". My doctor said "maybe this weekend" again. I think Im going to be pregnant forever. When I said that I wanted to make it to Sept, preferably Sept 3rd (Labor Day), I didnt realize how uncomfortable this would be! lol I cant sleep because my hands and arms keep going numb and painful (Im not supposed to sleep with splints on), and my c-pap machine has had to be turned up again which made the air so forceful that I have to strap the mask tight down to my face which is causing jaw pain... My insurance ok'd another mask that just fits over my nose but they accidentally sent another full face one, and they arent open again till Tues. UghThose are really not that big of a deal though. Im just pointing out the little annoyances. Hey, atleast the swelling in my feet have gone down. They did look like hams with sausage links poking out the end. lolI had another ultrasound yesterday as well from 2:45 to almost 5pm. Babies are still facing each other and almost head to head. Their feet are all tangled up at the top of my uterus. They gave me a picture of some feet but dont know whos they were or if it was one from each baby. lol Another cute pic I got is of both babies heads against eachother. The tech angled it just right to look like they were together when actually Baby B's head is at about Baby A's shoulder level. Im bummed that I never got to see a 4d of them. I didnt think about it until last month when there already wasnt any room... they need amniotic fluid pockets surrounding the baby, and both these babies are packed in there.I see my doc again next Tues and Fri if Im still preggo. But if I end up still pregnant Fri, they will strip my membranes. If that doesnt work I will have to be induced. Id really rather not be induced.I think I may actually dare myself to take a belly shot today. Who knows if I will ever get another chance!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hate pictures of myself. But, I realized I had better do it now or take a chance of never seeing a belly pic of myself. Maternity clothes arent quite fitting right anymore. lol

Sunday, August 26, 2007

This (sitting up) is very uncomfortable, but I need to get what has been going on into words. Who knows how long I will have to type all this out?I think the babies are doing really well. I see my doctor twice a week and have NST's twice a week. Ultrasounds are still at each visit, with a very long one every 3-4 weeks. At last measurement Baby A was in the 46th percentile, and Baby B was in the 76th percentile. There was a little concern at first due to the fact that both babues were "above the 95th percentile" previously and may have gone far below their growth curves, but now the technicians think the most recent U/S is most accurate and previous ones were mistaken due to the position of the babies. Obviously, none of this is an exact science. Ive kind of given up on any worry because no one seems to know anything anyway. I just take the info given and look into it myself with the help of a billion books as I lie on my side in bed! hahaThe pain in my pelvic area has gotten beyond painful. I asked my doctor to please help me figure out how to handle it and she found that now my bladder has prolapsed. That is actually what probably caused all the pain during labor with Noah, but has now gotten much, much worse. I will spare details, but Im hoping physical therapy will fix it rather than surgery. I have to wait until well after delivery to think about either one. I, once again refused a planned caesarian. I will just get an epidural and deliver vaginally (I hope!).Ive made it past the point where my doctors would try to stop my labor (not that Ive had any labor symptoms). I was also taken off the Magnesium a week ago (that is what I know has calmed my poor irritable uterus during this pregnancy). Now the contractions are getting crazy, which is what Im used to in my pregnancies. On Thursday I was dilated to 1 1/2 cm. Not bad! My doctor joked that "tomorrow works good for me, so talk to those babies". But Im not ready yet. I know how exhausting this is going to be for a long time. Ive got two children who are going into a new grade (one in High School!!!) and they both need clothes, supplies, backpacks, haircuts, etc. I want to make sure everything gets done right before delivery so Im working my tush off right now. Im also trying to make sure I rest a lot. I dont want to work myself so hard that Im exhausted when I go into labor. Im betting that as soon as Im done with my list of things, I will lie down to take a nap and then my water (one of them anyway LOL) will break!I know Im missing a lot, but my hind end is hurting really bad right now and I have to get off of here.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I was put on bed rest. Ive got to say THANK GOD! I have gone so far downhill, so fast, that I dont know how I could have drug my body in to work even once more. Everything hurts, everything is swollen. If I walk/stand I hurt everywhere, especially my low back and pelvic area. If I sit my tail bone feels like its breaking (right now Im sitting on a swim float). If I lay on a side my sciatic nerve freaks out and my legs hurt, then go numb. If I lay on my back the pressure is amazing. Im glad Im able to nap now that Im at home, too. Boy, I need it!If it werent for the fact that I know how hard this is going to be once the babies are born, I would be wishing them out. I am told the twins would probably only be in the NICU for a couple days at this point, but that is still too much for me. I want them with me, and without getting the nipple confusion that Noah had (oh, that was fun), and with bigger tummies so they dont need to eat quite so often.Ok, so my appt was Wednesday and I measured 46 and 1/2 cm (and both babies are curved around the sides of my belly! ouch). Im "soft and effacing" but not dilating. I gained 2 1/2 pounds, totaling 17 1/2 pounds. They tried to do an NST, but after they would get one on the monitor, the other baby would move, so that didnt work. I see my doc again on Wed (or is it Thurs?). Its every week for me! fun, fun.I had my ultrasound on Thursday, but the results werent supposed to get to my doctor until Friday, and my doctor had the day off, so I find out tomorrow about that.Ive had lots of BH contractions, but nothing worrisome until a couple of days ago. Man, they were strong! I was so close to going to L&D even though my hope is to not go there until its the real thing. Then I realized with my schedule being messed with lately Ive forgotten to take my Magnesium (I talked to a midwife in the beginning of this pregnancy about my irritable uterus, and my history of preterm labor, and she told me to take it every day). I thought all along that I was just lucky this time around like I was about the no morning sickness, but Im so glad I remembered my magnesium! Its calmed down so much. Now that I see how much it helped I dont think I would have made it this far if it hadnt been for my wonderful supplement!Somehow Ive got to figure out how to get school clothes and supply shopping done. *bowing head in shame* I have to park in a handicap space and use a motorized wheelchair/cart to shop. I always wish I had a leg brace or something in fear that someone will think Im using them for the real reason. I mean, people get pregnant all the time and dont need to use this stuff! lol In physical therapy I would see pregnant women come in using a walker or wheelchair and it would just shock me. Im just a dork.
There has been a huge lapse in time since the last update....
I'm going to try to fill in the blanks as best I can. So much has happened in the past 6 months!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Yesterday I had my 30 week OB appt. We went over pretty much everything. Ive gained 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. That brings the total to 15 pounds. Both my little babies are still head down. I don’t think there would be able to turn around at this point – which is fabulous! No dilation or effacement. My hips are now trying to dislocate with every step, along with some major low back pain to add on to my poor tailbone.I had some blood work done and just got back my results… My Iron is still low, but better! It’s now at 30. My glucose *drum roll please* is a wonderful 101!! No GD. YAY!My next doctor appt is Aug 8th, and my next Ultrasound is scheduled for August 10

Saturday, July 21, 2007

I had my 2 hour monthly ultrasound on Thursday. I was 29 weeks, 4 days pregnant. I was hoping to hear the news before the weekend. Last month Baby A was in the 90th percentile and Baby B was 91st percentile. Before last months ultrasound the babies growth had been exact... Baby A was always 1 day ahead of B's.A couple of coworkers and I were going out to dinner last night - which ended up being such a wonderful surprise baby shower.A few minutes before we went into the restaurant my doctor called and said both babies are over the 95 percentile, meaning they are officially Macrosomic now. Also Baby A is now at least 10% smaller than B. She sounded so official on the phone it was scary. She mentioned something about she didnt want to deliver them now because they are measuring over 32 weeks, but that doesnt mean their lungs are that mature. There was nothing I could do, and I was kind of nervous so I didnt know what to ask, so I just asked her to fax me the report at work. Then I realized it was Friday and I wouldnt see it until Monday. Nothing I can do about it, but the numbers (which are good for research that I cant do during the week) would be nice.She said there is nothing I can do about it right now, but she wants to do more testing at my appt this week. And something like if they get closer to 15% discordance she will deliver them.I wish I knew WHO was having the trouble? Is Baby A's placenta fading? Is Baby B's placenta not removing enough maternal nourishment, insulin, etc? Is Baby A being squished by Baby B?Im trying not to stress about it. Its just that this came out of left field.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Yet another Ultrasound was yesterday. 2 hours of watching my babies in staticky black & white.I already got a call from my doctor. Both boys are head down and are now over the 95th percentile, so they are now officially Macrosomic. They weigh something like 3lb, 7 oz (Baby A), and 4lb, 3 oz (Baby B). Another slightly concerning bit of info is that there is now a 10% fetal growth discordance between the babies. My doctor will see me on the 26th for more testing, and will be watching closely for them to get closer to a 15% discordance. If/when they do reach that point it sounds like it will be delivery time.On a happier note…. I was given a surprise baby shower tonight by my coworkers at Red Robin. It was so much fun! I was spoiled by being treated to dinner, having an adorable cake, and getting some much appreciated and needed gifts (cute clothing, toys, diapers, and even a double stroller!). I really love my job and the people I work with. Maybe that’s why I’m still working through this uncomfortable ending of my pregnancy!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Just thinking of names and thought I would mention considerations...BOYSGraham, Logan, Skylar, Cooper, Carter, Brendan, Evan, Conner or Connor, Elijah, Chandler, Parker, Garrett, Gabriel, Dustin, Benjamin, Michael, Micah, Landon, Brayden"J" names (our tradition is the middle name begins with J for our boys)Jordan, Jeremiah, Jayson, Jansen, Jonah, JosiahAnd a link for popular twin names just for the heck of it....

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

28 week appt: Lost 1 pound (total gain is 10 pounds now). Babies are still head down and looking great. I measured 36 weeks this time... I guess one or both of the babies were sticking their body up or something last time? My tailbone and sciatic nerve is killing me. If it wasn't for those horrible pains I think this is a pretty great pregnancy (of course I'm exhausted after work, but I think that's pretty normal). My doctor asked me if it's time to stop working or to at least go to part time. With these pains it was tempting! But, I'd hate to take so much time off before the babies are born. I'd rather spend that time at home with them. We'll reevaluate next visits (2 weeks). My next long ultrasound is July 19th. Updates will be posted then!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

My mother threw me a sweet little baby shower for the family. My sister Alexandrea, my aunt Debbie, aunt Kathy, cousin Kira, a friend of the family, Jeanette, and Kira's friend who made some pretty cakes were there along with my 3 kiddos. I got 2 car seats, a double car seat frame stroller, some clothes, 2 handmade blankets, and some other cute little things. Games were fun. I think I was the first to catch someone saying "twins" or "baby", but I was definitely not the winner! =o) It was nice to see everyone, and it was nice to get out of the house for something other than work. Thank you everyone!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I never knew they gave babies percentiles at this point, but I was given this info because at 95% they are considered Macrosomic (pretty much just means really big, and usually occurs due to poorly controlled GD - fyi my total weight gain is 7 pounds). Until they ever reach that possibility my doc is just considering them extremely happy in their home, but now she is mentioning a planned c-sec. I pushed out 3 pretty average sized babies. I dont understand why I would need a c-sec for this reason alone. Im likely to deliver atleast a few weeks early anyway, right? Of course I will listen to my doctor, but I want to understand this. Not to mention my doctor thought Ashley was super large (I know it was 14 years ago, but not that much has changed I think) and she was born 7lb 8oz at 40 weeks.Im eating even MORE beef (Im getting really tired of it), taking more iron with OJ on an empty stomach, and drinking milk at dinner.Anyhoo, thats what has been going on. I see my doc again on Monday (6/25), and get another US in 3 more weeks. Any bets on how big I will measure this time? lol I measured 33 weeks at my 24 week appt and 27 weeks at my 20.5 week appt. Im going to need an engine hoist to get out of bed soon! haha

Friday, June 22, 2007

26 week appt: Some coworkers were trying to guess what I would measure (for a singleton pregnancy) at my 26 weeks appt. Remember, at my 20.5 wk appt I measured 27 weeks, and at my 24 weeks appt I measured 33 weeks.At exactly 26 weeks I measured 41 weeks!!!! lolIm doing pretty well considering I look (and walk) like a Weeble. BP is good. Still no worrisome contractions. I am getting some swelling in my feet and legs that just wont go away (compression socks here I come). The pressure on my pelvis is getting almost unbearable sometimes. My tailbone feels like its being pushed out of my body. I cant sit, or get up from sitting without a lot of pain. When my doctor did a quick ultrasound to get the babies heartbeats she said one head in on my tailbone, and one on my bladder! I have to use the restroom every half hour to an hour already. That hasnt happened with past pregnancies until the last couple of weeks or so.I met my doctors next goal of 26 weeks on Monday. Her final goal is 35 weeks (Aug 27), but I would love to make it to September. I told her that I think I could stretch to about 57 weeks! hahaI have another long US scheduled for 7/19. I guess we will know for sure if I have to have a c-sec then. I hope not.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Today I got another long look at the babies via ultrasound. Both boys are now head down! Baby A is pressing against my cervix. Baby B's head is higher up with one leg stretched over his brother. They are still facing eachother. I didnt tell the tech the sexes and she said they are very proud boys. lol HB's were 129 and 137. The tech was really good. Usually its kind of painful because they have to push on one baby pretty hard to see around him to get a good view of the baby they want at the moment. The only time it hurt (and this hurt!) was for some reason Baby A wedged himself against my cervix and wouldnt move. The tech couldnt get an image of my cervix so after having my bed tilted upside down for 5 min with no luck, she manually pushed him away. OMG, I was just about climbing off the bed to get away from her! lol I think he is back in his little place again. They are measuring pretty large. The tech asked if Ive had a GD test, and I told her I got the results yesterday from my gestational diabetes test and my score was 97 which is great (I also got my iron count back and is was painfully low - 28, when it should have been ATLEAST 36). I was 25 weeks 0 days and Baby A measured 26 weeks 2 days and 90th percentile, Baby B measured 26 weeks 5 days and 91% (they are both 2 pounds and a couple ounces each).

Friday, May 18, 2007

Had my 5 month appointment today. We got to go over the results of the ultrasound as well. On May 10th Baby A was 19 weeks, 3 days old, and Baby B was 19 weeks, 2 days old according to the original ultrasound in February. Well, the due date is staying the same, but the babies are growing big and fast! Baby A is measuring 20 weeks, 5 days, and Baby B is measuring 20 weeks 4 days!! That is so great.

I've gained 1 more pound, for a grand total of a whopping 3 pounds gained since the beginning.

I wish I could post pictures! But I am still having problems connecting to this site (only this site) from home, and of course I can't upload from work, so I'm stuck! I will get them on here ASAP.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The ultrasound went well, and the babies look healthy. Baby A was did everything the tech wanted him to, only problem was he was head down and very low so it hurt me to get the right angle at times. Baby B was head down/transverse, but flipped to breech before we were done. I do have to go back on the 20th because there was a picture of an eye socket and lips they werent able to get.

2 placentas, and both are BOYS!!!! I went home and removed the Secret Garden and Princess Fairies bedding sets, and the strawberry print dresses from the registry. lol But at least I am now able to work on our registery (at Babies R Us) with confidence on the sex. Now I wonder if they are identical? We will see after birth!

I have a bunch of pictures but our pc at home isnt letting me update this site for some reason, and I cant upload from my work pc. So, I will try to get them on there soon!

Only 4 hours to go until the ultrasound! I cannot wait. I thought would mention my favorite baby names.....

Adriana, LillyAnne, Chloe, Pearl, Emily, Kimberly, Naomi, Natalie, Sophie, Willow, Rhiannan

Graham, Logan, Skylar, Riley

Obviously, there are a lot more girl names than boy names because it's so hard for me to find a boys name I really like!

Make sure you check back here tonight for the big news!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I've been having a lot of BH's and pressure. I really am not worried about it as far as preterm labor or anything, but I would not enjoy thinking this is the way the rest of the pregnancy is going to go. So, called my doc to see what she thought yesterday. I got the Triage RN and she agreed that the babies are going through a massive growth burst right now. Since this is my fourth pregnancy, and since it's two babies this time, that this stage is going to be harder than normal but it should be over in a couple of more weeks. Good! That was very comforting to hear. I ordered my Baby Hugger a couple of days ago, and it should be here anytime. YAY!

Doc called after reading the noted from the triage nurse and asked me to come into the office today. Of course this is bring your child to work day, so instead of Ashley getting taken out to lunch she got a trip (just downstairs) to my OB/Gyn. Everything was fine... Ashley got to see the babies... and unfortunately, my doctor does not think that these fun extra pains and pressures will end before the pregnancy does. I gained 2 pounds which means I am now 2 pounds above prepregnancy weight. Sorry, no pics this time.

I expected to go through this again. I even expected it to be worse since there is more than one baby, but I didn't expect it all to start so early. Oh well, I'm just going to do what I have to do! I'm still working full time, which I plan on doing until I just can't do it anymore. When I'm not working I'm taking it easy - mostly at home. I have been working on our gift registry online at Babies R Us a little bit, but nothing major since the genders arent known yet. Hopefully they will be on May 10th!

It's time to play a baby gender guessing game!!

Guess the gender(s) of Kurt and Cammy's babies!
Boy/Girl 33%
Girl/Girl 29%
Boy/Boy 37%
Created on Apr 29, 2007

Total Votes: 27

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Everything is still going beautifully. I still feel good, and I can tell the babies are too because I can feel them moving a lot now. The slight nausea I did have is pretty much gone (unless I smell something gross). I'm just feeling great! The doctor put off my next big Ultrasound to 5/10 (instead of the last date of 4/16. I am so looking forward to it because I'll be able to find out how many umbilical cords we're dealing with here, and what their sexes are! I am 14 weeks pregnant now.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kurt and Ethan joined me at the doctors office today. The babies are close together now. We got to see the babies kicking their legs! It was so cute. Everything looks great, I feel great, so I think everything is great! I still feel this is going to be a good pregnancy. Unlike with the boys, when I successfully tried to gain only a minimum amount of weight, those rules are out the window with twins. Since they are typically born earlier - during the time singletons get to put on weight - you have to give them a boost earlier on. "Moms who gain more have bigger, healthier twin babies that end up in the NICU less often" I keep hearing. But, I'm still going for 40 pounds, rather than 60 pounds gained - half of which need to be put on in the first half of pregnancy. Well, Ive followed the extremely high protein diet, and it really gets hard to look at anymore meat! I lost 3 pounds? This is a shock because I've never eaten so much in my life. I've yo-yo'd with my weight trying to take and keep it off all my life, and now that I want to gain, I lose? I understand my metabolism is sky rocketing, but geez! I can't eat anymore, and filling up on donuts would certainly put on weight, but not good weight, so I guess I'll just assume I'll gain next time.

Anyway, it was a long drawn out ordeal to get my FirstScreen between 12 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days, I had it scheduled at my hospital then found out they arent certified in Firstscreen's at the last moment. So I called OHSU to get in there in time. After registering, agreeing to switch health care providers, making the appt, etc I found out I can't have this screening since it's a multiple birth. This info could've been used when I was told to schedule it. Oh well! So, now my doctor wants me to get the 16 weeks screening as planned. We'll get to see if the babies are sharing a cord (we hope not!), make sure all is well, hopefully the sex(es), and get some great pics out of it too.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I get to see my OB for the first time on Thursday! I am now officially 12 weeks pregnant and beginning my 2nd trimester. I cannot wear normal clothes anymore. In fact I had to break out my maternity clothes (thank goodness I hadn't given those away like we had everything else!) shortly after finding out. Twins really do grow quickly!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

I am so fortunate that morning sickness is really mild. I am really tired and my feet and back get sore easily though. I feel pretty good about this pregnancy. My focus is to not deliver until sometime in September (I am due late, late September, but twins are typically born early). My second goal is for them both to weigh atleast 6 1/2 pounds at birth.

I don't know if they are identical or fraternal. The doctor may not ever know. I thought since they are in their own sacs that they would be fraternal, but I found out that 2/3 of identical twins are in their own sacs. Unless they are boy/girl twins the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test after the babies are born.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

They saw two babies! TWINS!!!! Oh wow. I was so freaked out that I forgot to ask when I was due, but she did say I was about 7 weeks pregnant. So, umm September? I got to see both of their bodies and even saw both of their hearts beating! Unfortunately, the tech only gave me these two pictures. A couple of times I even said "Oh! That
would be a great picture!". Oh well, there will be many more opportunities.
Baby #1
Baby #1 and #2

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I saw my OB (well, actually the first visit is with another doctor in her practice) for the first time. Since I don't have a clue as to how far along I am or when I may be due, I was given an order for an Ultrasound. Since I work tomorrow I will just see if they can squeeze me in upstairs (I love being able to not have to wait in the waiting room).

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A positive pregnancy test. Wow. We weren't expecting this... we were sure we were done with 3 children!
Need time for this to absorb.

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